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Obesity in Art


Obesity in Art

The Petre Shotadze Tbilisi Medical Academy is realizing the project – Kids University “Medicine and Art”. Registration is required for participation in the project -

Obesity and overweight unfortunately is the disease of XXI century, which is caused mostly by the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet. Obesity means increased adipose tissue in the body.

The earliest sculptural representations of the body all show it as female, large-buttocked, obese even, although the smooth contours of the Venuses of Willendorf (30000–22000 BC), and Lespugue (34000–29000 BC) contrast with the lumpy obesity of the Venus of Laussel (25000–20000 BC).

The obesity was a sign of wealth in Middle Ages and Renaissance period; it was relatively common among the “elite”. The paintings of Peter Paul Rubens (Helena Fourment in a Wedding Dress, 1630-1631; Portrait of a Woman, 1625-1627) are the best illustrations of this phenomenon.

The microscopic images of the adipose tissue are presented below.

Are you interested to see how another tissues appeared under the microscope, register and get involved in the project.