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World Autism Awareness Day – Photo Exhibition at TMA


World Autism Awareness Day – Photo Exhibition at TMA

The personal exhibition of a young talented photographer Sandro Darsavelidze was held at TMA, which was dedicated to the World Autism Awareness Day. Sandro is a young man with an autistic spectrum who expresses his emotions through photos. His art masterfully reflects the rhythm and landscape of the city and depicts social themes in interesting ways.

April 2nd is the World Autism Awareness Day. The United Nations General Assembly declared April 2nd as the World Autism Awareness Day, on December 18th, 2007.

The purpose of the World Autism Awareness Day is to raise public awareness about autism. Also, to promote the protection and realization of the fundamental rights of people with autism in society. Through similar activities, TMA promotes the socialization and integration of people with disabilities.