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TMA at the AMSE Annual Conference


TMA at the AMSE Annual Conference

Georgia hosted the annual conference of the Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE). The event was attended by European and international institutions important for the development of the field, including World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), European University Association - Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE), the Organization for Ph.D. Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (ORPHEUS) and International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Tbilisi Medical Academy was represented among the participants at the conference. TMA faculty members presented three topics:

  • Arts as an effective learning tool of medical education– Maka Zarnadze, Associate Professor, Manager of Continues Professional Development;
  • Using a clinical reasoning exercise as the start of a course in the research line improves motivation in research of last year students- Ekaterine Kldiashvili, Vice-Rector in Research;
  • Implementation of PSI Curriculum at preclinical level in Integrated modules – Tsisana Lomashvili, Head of One-step Educational Program.

Among the speakers were internationally recognized experts and leaders in the field of medical education: David Gordon - President of the World Federation of Medical Education, the University of Manchester Emeritus Professor, (Great Britain); Harm Peters - President of the Association of European Medical Schools, Charité - Professor of Universitätsmedizin, (Germany), Alexander Hasgall - Head of Doctoral Education Council of the European University Association (EUA), Robin Stevenson - Editor-in-Chief of European CME Journal and Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Glasgow, (UK), Janusz Janczhukovic - Professor of University of Lodz (Poland), Nebojsa Lalic - Professor of University of Belgrade, (Serbia), Cris Scotter - Human Resources for Health expert for the World Health Organization.

Speakers from Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania and representatives of more than ten institutions from Georgia also participated in the conference.

The conference was hosted by David Tvildiani Medical University.