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CIMED Leaders at TMA


CIMED Leaders at TMA

TMA hosted the heads of the Center of Innovation in Medical Education (CIMED) Professor Jossete Denekens and Professor Herman Van Rossum (Antwerp / Belgium). Within the framework of the visit, working meetings were held for three weeks with the participation of administrative, academic staff, and guest personnel. The results of innovative projects implemented in pilot mode and the ways of their further implementation in the program were discussed at the meetings. A map of innovations was created to reflect the implemented changes, as well as for teachers and students to get to know each other better.

The heads of the center met with students and heard their opinion about innovations and the educational process in general.

Workshops were held for the mentors of the portfolio, where the mentors shared their experiences and the heads of the center, talked about existing challenges, divided into small work groups, discussed several interesting cases accumulated within the portfolio, listened to a lecture prepared by the heads of the center about the importance of self-reflection in medical practice.

The heads of the center met with the teachers implementing the clinical training courses, heard from them information about the existing challenges, and together they identified ways to improve the teaching process at the clinical stage.

Trainings were held for the academic and guest staff of the TMA - on teaching and assessment methods in the working environment (WPBA (Workplace-based assessment), Mini-CEX (Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise) - evaluation of a mini-clinical exercise, TBL (Team-Based Learning) - based on teamwork Teaching and developing a line of clinical reasoning in the program.