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Public Lecture - "With Us, Not for Us"


Public Lecture -

TMA hosted the representatives of the "Georgian Down Syndrome Association" and their beneficiaries. The public lecture "With us and not for us" was led by the head of the association's health and social direction, the director of the "Gigo Foundation" Rusudan Mghebrishvili. "I am very glad to be with you today and to meet students and future doctors. In general, doctors have a great role in the lives of people with disabilities and specifically, in the daily life of people with Down syndrome. We are talking about such important issues as the support of a person with Down syndrome, his/her family members, and providing information in the right form," she said.

In addition, Rusudan Mgebrishvili spoke about the Gigo Foundation, which provides medical support to both small beneficiaries and adults.

"I want to call people and tell them that support, respect, love, ability to listen and responsibility are important. People should respect each other and stand by each other," said Gigo Shiukashvili, who is the founder of the Gigo Foundation. He also highlighted the stereotypes and challenges associated with Down Syndrome.

The event was also attended by Nino Sikharulidze, the founder of the Down Syndrome Association, and the manager of the social results of "Babale" social enterprise. She spoke about the activities of "Babale" and noted that the enterprise combines two spaces: a creative workshop and a salon, where handmade items are exhibited and sold. The items are made by children and adults with Down syndrome.

At the meeting, TMA students expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Gigo Foundation. They expressed their desire to participate in the Foundation's activities and contribute voluntarily to help people with Down syndrome.

"Today's meeting made a great impression on me. Of course, I have always been positive towards people with Down syndrome, but now I have an even greater desire to help them, stand by them, and show my support. I also want to teach and learn from them. And most importantly, I want to tell them that with great desire and determination, everything will work out" - Rusudan Ubilava, a third-year student.