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The second stage of the "Lab-Orator" project


The second stage of the

The second stage of the "Lab-Orator" was hosted by the laboratory of Ivane Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine. 20 students selected in the first stage of the project had the opportunity to undergo practical training on the research microscope. The training was led by Maka Mantskava, head of the laboratory of rheology and diagnostic-analytical services, assistant professor of physics, biophysics, biomechanics, and information technology department of Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU).

The goal of the "Lab-Orator" project is to raise awareness in society about rheology and biorheology, both theoretically and practically. The project is implemented in three stages. In the first stage, interested students listened to a lecture, as a result of which the 20 best students were selected. In the second stage, they were given the opportunity to undergo practical training in the laboratory, and at the final stage, the students participating in the project will make presentations as a group, and the best of them will be selected by a special jury. Also, students participating in the conference will have the opportunity to present reports at RebioMed 2023.

The final stage, the student conference will be held at Tbilisi Medical Academy (TMA) on June 30.

The "Lab-Orator" project is organized by the Tbilisi Medical Academy (TMA) and Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) Student Self-Government Education Committee.