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TMA Delegation Visit to Vilnius University


TMA Delegation Visit to Vilnius University

Another meeting of ERASMUS+ project SAFEMED+ consortium was hosted by Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lithuania). Ia Avaliani Vice-Rector in International Affairs, Tsisana Lomashvili Head of One-step Educational Program, Akaki Sefashvili Head of Clinical Skills Center, Vasil Chinashvili Head of Informational Technology, and Levan Turdziladze Deputy Head of Informational Technology Department, participated in the workshop from Tbilisi Medical Academy (TMA).

Within the framework of the working meeting was discussed the electronic version of the book which will be published within the project. Also, a workshop was held on the preparation of Virtual Objective Structured Clinical Examination (Virtual OSCE) scenarios, led by Spanish colleagues.

Based on the experience gained as a result of the workshop, it is planned to hold a virtual format of the OSCE for students of the final year at the end of the summer semester of the 2022-2023 academic year.

Representatives of medical universities of Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Ukraine, Armenia, and Georgia also participated in the meeting of the ERASMUS+ project SAFEMED+. Among them, the University of Vilnius, University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Catania, Ternopil National Medical University, Bukovinian State Medical University, Yerevan State Medical University, Yerevan Haybusak University, Tbilisi State Medical University and Tbilisi Medical Academy, which at the same time is the project coordinator and applicant.

SAFEMED+, which is funded under the EARSMUS+ grant program, started in November 2020 and will end in November 2023.