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"Lab-Orator" project - Student Conference


Tbilisi Medical Academy (TMA) hosted the final event of the “Lab-Orator” project - the student conference. At the conference, students participating in the project presented a report on the topic of Rheology based on lecture and laboratory activities.

As the winners of the project were chosen TMA students: Elene Lipartia, Suliko Gogichashvili, and Davit Marjanidze, with the topic: "Rheology During Normal Pregnancy".

The jury's choice became Mariam Inashvili (TSU) and Mikheil Bekauri (TSMU), while Giorgi Khotenashvili (TMA) became the chosen one of the organizers.

The goal of the "Lab-orator" project is to raise awareness in society about Rheology and Biorheology, both theoretically and practically. The project was implemented in three stages. In the first stage, interested students attended the lecture, as a result of which, the 20 best students were selected. In the second stage, the chosen students were given the opportunity to do practical training in the laboratory, and in the final stage, the students participating in the project made group presentations.

The project "Lab-orator" is organized by the Tbilisi Medical Academy (TMA) Student Club and the Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) Student Self-Government Education Committee.

The project is supported by the International Foundation for Sports, Tourism, and Youth.