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Preparing for ISCOMS


Preparing for ISCOMS

TMA students Elene Liluashvili and Elene Lipartia, ambassadors of the International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS), held an information meeting for their peers. The purpose of the meeting was to share information about ISCOMS. Specifically, what is ISCOMS? Who and how can participate in this international congress and how can we prepare for ISCOMS 2024?

The ambassadors, those who participated in ISCOMS 2023, shared their experiences with the students.

"I think today's meeting was important because it was related to this year's congress, which will be held in June. We introduced our students to the possibilities of how they can participate in the ISCOMS congress, what types of research they can present, and what this congress covers in general" - Elene Liluashili, a fourth-year student.

The International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) is a non-profit organization formed by students that aims to promote the international dissemination of student research and the results obtained during their implementation.