Student's Portal


Student Competition of Social and Cultural Projects


Student Competition of Social and Cultural Projects

We are glad to announce the first “Student competition of social and cultural projects”.

Project proposals need to correspond to one of the following topics:

1) One of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (

2) Planetary Health (Green initiatives)

3) Needs of the people with disabilities

Conditions of the project proposals:

Documents to be presented:

1) Filled out application form (view the attached annex)

2) Motivation letter for project implementation (should be written by an applicant or project team), indicating also roles and responsibilities of project participant(s)

3) Confirmation letters of collaboration from the partner organizations (in case of such)

Proposal submission deadline: April 15th, 2024

Applicant(s): an eligible applicant should be a TMA student or student group. The roles and responsibilities of project participants should be outlined.

Duration of the project: needs to be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 months. Throughout the project duration, the applicants are entitled to present interim and final reports, with the consideration of the project duration.

Budget: The maximum budget for each project should not exceed 3000 GEL. The applicant should be a TMA student or student group. The budget does not consider the salaries. A contract will be signed with the authors of the winning project.

The project proposals need to be sent no later than April 15th, 2024, on the following e-mail: The Subject line of the e-mail should state „Competition for Social and Cultural Student projects“.

For further queries related to the competition please contact:

For detailed information about the competition and the annex, view the attached files:

About the competition
