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Elections of Student Representatives to the Curriculum Committee


 Elections of Student Representatives to the Curriculum Committee

TMA announces the election of student representatives to the Curriculum Committee!

This is your chance to get involved in the teaching-learning process, solve all the issues related to the teaching process, and research together with the committee members.

You can be the voice of your peers on the Curriculum Committee!

The candidate has to meet the following criteria:

· Academic performance (GPA) should not be less than 2,5.

· Resume/CV with a photo (resume should include a brief description of the student’s interests, aspirations, and experience in extracurricular, academic, and social activities, such as volunteering, presentations, and student conferences. (not to exceed 300 words).

· The candidate must submit a motivational letter (describing the vision for the Curriculum Committee and the reason for nominating candidacy (not to exceed 300 words).


· Candidates have to register through the following link -

· Late submissions will not be accepted. At the moment of the application deadline, candidates with incomplete application forms will be removed from the election process.

Election Day:

· Online elections are conducted through voting through Google Forms with students using only their TMA e-mail addresses.

· The winners will be the students who will have the most votes.

· Election results will be considered valid only if a minimum of 10% of TMA students have participated in it.

Important Dates of the Election Process:

· The period of the registration of the candidates - 29 March – 4 April, 6 p.m., 2024

· Publication of eligible nominees on the website – No later than April 10, 2024

· Election Day – April 11, 2024

· Announcement of the final results – April 12, 2024

See the Curriculum Regulations for more details