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Public Lecture - Dali Khomeriki


Public Lecture - Dali Khomeriki

What path should the student take and how should they choose the master's or doctoral program in the future?

TMA hosted Dali Khomeriki, a consultant of the EducationUSA network, to talk about this topic.

The speaker spoke about the importance of student involvement in academic life. She focused on such important aspects as individuality and responsibility. Because, in all this, the student shows himself how much he/she is ready to take responsibility for both society and global problems in general.

"A student should be involved in academic life. It is good that TMA gives students the opportunity to be involved in various projects and activities. This experience will help them a lot in the process of passing to the next level," said Dali Khomeriki.

The meeting was held in a hybrid format to allow as many students as possible to attend the meeting.

"At the meeting, we were given information on what path the student should take if he/she intends to continue his/her studies at the next level in the future. Learn what to look for when writing a resume and motivational letter, how to choose the right program and university for you, how to get funding, and how to present yourself in the best light. For me and, I think, for any interested student, the provided information was very important," TMA student Lizi Movanidze said.