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Preparing for the USMLE Examination


Preparing for the USMLE Examination

How should medical students prepare for the US Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and what theoretical material will be useful in the preparation process – TMA hosted a working meeting/training to discuss this issue. International students are very interested in the USMLE exam, which is why TMA students Sophie Shamugia and Giorgi Amiridze talked to the students and shared their experiences. Both of them successfully passed the Step 1 of the USMLE examination.

What is the period of preparation for the exam, the study methodology and literature that TMA students were guided by, and what motivated them - these were the main issues that were focused on during the training.

"In my opinion, with this meeting, we provided important information to international students about the USMLE, and I think that the advice we received will make it easier for them to go through this path," said Sophie Shamugia.

International Students noted that this training will help them to prepare for this exam more carefully in the future and most importantly, to believe in their abilities.

“I think events like the USMLE Workshop is really important for all students because it exposes us to possible pathways which we can take for our career. It was nice that the workshop was run by students who had previously passed the USMLE Step 1 and since they were students it was also easy to ask them questions. They were also very motivating and it made me think that if they can do it, so can I. Thank you to both of them for conducting an amazing session” said TMA student Firyal Mohammad Shahid.