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Pink October


Pink October

  Pink October 2020, Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), is an annual international campaign organized by charity organizations, which aim to introduce people to the importance of early screening, the effectiveness of screening examinations, etc.
  The campaign starts on October 1 and lasts until October 31.
  This year Tbilisi Medical Academy takes part in the Pink October campaign once again. Last fall, in order to raise awareness about breast cancer, TMA and the National Screening Center launched a joint project, which aimed to examine public opinion, fears, and attitudes towards the cancer screening program. The project involved TMA students, who implemented the cluster survey method with a pre-designed questionnaire. The study area included the city of Tbilisi, and the target group was the population of Georgia in the age category above 25 years.
  After processing the results, we planned the implementation of several recommendations for this October.