Student's Portal


Career Skills Development Workshop


Career Skills Development Workshop

TMA hosted a career skills development workshop. How to write an effective CV and motivation letter? To talk about these issues with the students, the Academy invited an organizational psychologist, HR consultant, and coach Mariam Chokheli.

"Meeting with students of Tbilisi Medical Academy was very interesting for me. We talked about job search strategies, more specifically, the specifics and challenges of the medical field. We talked about how important referrals and recommendations are for success in this field. How students can create and strengthen this job search channel. Recommendations on creating an effective resume and letter of recommendation were interesting for students. I am glad that they are interested and I hope that in the future we will meet many times in different formats and share our knowledge and experience" - noted Mariam Chokheli.

The workshop also included job search strategies - where and how to find a desired job and when to respond to a vacancy. The speaker shared with the students the ways that an applicant should consider when applying for a job to increase the chances of getting to the interview stage.

"I am glad that I was given the opportunity to receive much-needed information regarding career advancement and to see the difficulties of professional development from a much greater perspective. Especially, working as a student and fighting for financial independence. I think I will use a lot of information from this workshop in order to make the process of searching for vacancies more productive for me," said TMA student Mariam Ghviniashvili.