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TMA Students’ Successful Performance at Scientific Conference


TMA Students’ Successful Performance at Scientific Conference

On April 7, 2017 was conducted fifth annual conference -”Global Health and Medicine” which was dedicated to World Health Day. The event was planned and executed by “Youth Scientific Association” (YSU) and Students’ Scientific Research Club “VITALIS”. (SSRC “VITALIS”)
In the frames of the conference, TMA students from both Georgian and International faculties, had opportunities to demonstrate their scientific achievements through oral and poster presentations.
Oral presentations were delivered by first year student, Nino Dzagania on topic “Risk-Factors of Antibiotic Resistant Tuberculosis in Georgia” and third year students, Adnan Anwar Mohammad and Saif Al-Rustum Ali Jaafar with breathtaking presentation on “Mental Health Issues in Child and Female Refugees”. Poster presentation was delivered by Saif Tawfeeq on “The Combined Effects of Obesity, Abdominal Obesity and Major Depression/Anxiety”.
In the frames of the conference were discussed present-day health related topics, including: Global Health; Health Politics, Economics and Management; Environmental Health; Health Promotion; Health Insurance, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases; Mental Health etc.
Honorary Guests, Professors and Academics, presented from different universities, gave positive evaluation to presentations and expressed hopes, that involvement of future doctors in scientific processes, will carry on in the future and become an inseparable part of medical education.
At the end of the conference, participants were awarded with honorary certificates.
TMA Administration and Department of Student Research and Scientific Development wishes to thank students and their supervisors for their hard work, as well as to the creative teams of “Youth Scientific Union” (YSU) and Student Scientific and Research Club “VITALIS” (SSRC “VITALIS”) for their contributions for organizing a truly remarkable conference.