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TMA Delegation to Radboud University


TMA Delegation to Radboud University

TMA consistently supports the professional development of academic and invited staff, focusing on enhancing learning-teaching, evaluation methods, and scientific research skills. For this purpose, TMA representatives Mariam Nikolashvili, Natia Garuchava, Mariam Gogadze, Ina Leshkasheli, and Tinatin Akhvlediani participated in short-term summer exchange programs hosted by Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands.

As part of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility program, the Academy representatives attended several training courses organized by Radboud University: SEM (Structural Equation Modeling); Excellence Beyond Borders: Breaking Down Barriers in Gifted Education; INSIGHTS: Integrating Sex and Gender in Health Sciences.

Participants in the exchange program were selected through an open competition conducted by the TMA selection commission and the International Department of Radboud University.

The program participants will share their experiences from the Netherlands with their colleagues at the Academy this fall.